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Drug Searches Using a Canine Sniff to be Reviewed by the Supreme Court

 Posted on October 10,2012 in Uncategorized

This year, the United States Supreme Court is going to address the reliablility of Canine Units used in drug searches and seizures.  At issue is whether or not law enforcement is allowed to rely on the actions or behaviour of a drug dog before they seize and/or search individuals.

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. There must be reasonable suspicion or probable cause to conduct a search.   Often, law enforcement relies on a drug dog who "hits" on a particular item or area indicating that narcotics or controlled substances may be present.  How reliable is the drug dog?    Is the police officer's interpretation of the what the dog is indicating accurate?

I have represented hunderd of individuals charged with Dupage County drug offenses, Kane County drug offenses, and Cook County drug offenses.  When faced with a client who has been searched as a result of a drug dog "sniff", I look closely at the training records of the dog and the training and experience of the police officer who handled the dog and conducted the search.

If you are arrest for a drug crime in Illinois, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Stephen A Brundage concentrating in criminal and traffic defense in the DuPage, KAne, Cook and surrounding Counties.

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