Underage Drinking

DuPage County Underage Drinking Defense Lawyer
Minors often get into trouble without recognizing the impact their actions may have on their future. Minors convicted for underage consumption or underage drinking and driving will face far more serious penalties that adults convicted for drunk driving. If your child has been arrested or issued a ticket for underage drinking (minor in consumption), it is important to have an experienced lawyer representing their rights and protecting their future.
At the law firm of Stephen A. Brundage, Attorney at Law, I am committed to representing juveniles facing criminal charges for alcohol-related offenses in Illinois. Call 630-260-9647 to arrange a free consultation or contact me using our online form.
Underage Drinking - Underage Consumption
Illinois has strict laws regarding minors consuming or possessing alcohol. According to Illinois law, a person charged with underage consumption or possession of alcohol by a minor can face misdemeanor criminal charges. Regardless of whether or not a minor is driving at the time, he or she can lose driving privileges.
One of the biggest problems with this driver's license suspension is that it happens without warning. A minor may plead guilty, pay a fine, and get court supervision that avoids a conviction - only later to discover that one of the penalties is the loss of license. I will work to help avoid this driver's license suspension.
Underage Drinking and Driving - Underage DUI
Under Illinois' Zero Tolerance Law, minors arrested for drinking and driving can be charged with underage DUI, regardless of the amount of alcohol in their system which could result in a DUI conviction which will have a lasting impact on their future. In addition to criminal penalties, the individual's license will be suspended.
Aggressive Underage Drinking Defense Representation
I use over 30 years of legal experience to protect the rights and interests of minors arrested for underage consumption or possession. I work diligently to get the charges reduced or altogether dismissed. In addition, I seek alternative sentencing which limits negative consequences.
Protect Your Rights, Record, and Future
Don't let underage drinking or underage DUI charges damage your child's future. Speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. Call 630-260-9647 or contact us online. We help clients in and around DuPage County, Kane County, and Cook County, IL.